About Healing Bodywork

How It Started:

When I first walked in the door to the massage school as young man of 20 years, I had little understanding of how profoundly that experience would change my life.

Not only did that experience give me a radically different and healthier sense of how I knew and felt about my own body, (ask me sometime for the full story), I learned that touch was powerful and healing, especially when it is combined with technical understanding of how the body is put together.

Over the next 15 months of intensive study at the International Professional School of Bodywork in San Diego, California, I learned from some of the best in their craft how to do… Esalen/Swedish, Deep-Tissue Massage, Trager Bodywork, Structural Integration, Shiatsu, Thai Massage, and Tui-Na. Each of these different systems has their way of promoting health and healing. It was there in those day that I started to walk the path of health and healing.

How It Continues:

Today, I still provide extended session of bodywork and integrate it into my acupuncture sessions as well. My current approach is a hybrid of structural/deep-tissue work, promoting relaxation, energy work for the nervous system, and micro-tissue healing with a unique form of acupressure that my hands have evolved.

I welcome you to schedule a session and enjoy the gift of healing bodywork.

Learn More About My Other Tools


Pain Relief

Healing Bodywork sessions use the power of skilled and anatomically informed touch to improved microcirculation, alter pain perception, and foster the body’s innate ability to repair and heal. Bodywork is like an iron, it can smooth out wrinkles in the fabric of the body.


Stress & Anxiety

Touch is a powerful reliever of stress and anxiety. While stress is the natural currency of survival, working through the imbalances that can come when we’re overwhelmed or unactualized is helpful. Getting the brain and the body to unwind is a gift to our lives. Healing Bodywork is a great way to stay on point.


Personal Vitality

Healing Bodywork supports the ability to connect with personal vitality—the felt sense of energy and engagement in the journey of being alive. Cleansing the body by assisting with circulation and reducing the presence of tension offer renewal to the body.