What is Stress?

Stress is any change that causes physical, emotional or psychological strain. Stress is your body’s response to anything that needs attention or action.


Is All Stress Bad?

Eustress is a positive type of stress that keeps us vital and excited about life. Eustress is the type of stress we feel when we are excited. For example, riding a roller coaster. While having some stress can keep us motivated, too much can be detrimental.

Types of Stress

  • Short-Term: the body’s immediate reaction to something new or challenging. Short-term stress is easily managed because it is temporary and goes away after it occurs. However, repeated instances of acute stress can be unhealthy.

  • Medium-term:

  • Long-Term : high levels of stress for an extended period of time. Long-term stress can have a negative impact on your health.


Benefits and Dangers

Stress can be beneficial to keeping us productive, motivated, and excited.

Stress is negative when we feel unsocial, unable to focus, overwhelmed, and like we have lost control

Things You Can Do


Acupuncture is an effective treatment that reduces stress and improves wellbeing. Treatment sessions are relaxing and in a calm environment. An acupuncture session is an appointment for self-care. Acupuncture helps stimulate the body’s natural healing response and promotes balance.
